Main Street UMC, Kernersville, NC

High School ASP Mission Trip

ASP 2023

2024 June 23-29 Breathitt County, Kentucky

Now that spring is upon us and summer is coming, the youth and adult volunteers at Main Street are beginning their preparations for our summer mission trips with ASP (Appalachia Service Project). ASP has been making homes in the Appalachia Mountain areas of Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina warmer, safer, and drier for over 50 years.
Currently ASP serves in 25 counties, approximately 350 families, 3,000 home repair projects and enlists the help of over 15,000 volunteers each year. This summer Main Street UMC will be celebrating our 20th year of mission service with ASP having 34 youth and 20 adults serving on 2 separate trips. Our high school and college youth will be going  in June and our middle school youth will be going in July.  Even though we will not find out where we will serve this  summer until mid-April, we are getting excited to be the hands and feet of God to whomever we serve.

As we are preparing for our trips many people continue to ask how can the church help?  The first way the church can support our trips is by prayers. Please begin now to pray for our groups as we prepare for the trips and then continue praying through the summer that God will direct us to spread his love to everyone we encounter on our trips. A second way is through your financial support if you feel led.

Many of you have currently helped by attending the Chili Cook-off and Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and this act of generosity is greatly appreciated. If you feel led to offer additional financial support for our mission trips this summer, you can do so by sending your donation to the church office designated to the “Youth Mission Fund”. By making this donation you will be changing the lives of our youth, adults, and the families we serve.

Wayne Purdy
Minister of College & Youth Ministries

ASP Area

(Link to Middle School ASP)

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