Main Street UMC, Kernersville, NC
Lost Sheep

Children’s Choirs – The Lost Sheep

The Main Street UMC Children’s Choirs will present their spring musical, “The Lost Sheep” on Sunday, March 23 at 10:00 am during the Sunday School hour in Fellowship Hall. We hope the
Sunday School classes will once again come out to support our children in this charming retelling
of the parable of the “ninety and nine.” The cast of little shepherds and a narrator sing songs reminding us that the life of a shepherd is a hard life, risking his life to seek and save the lost sheep.

We learn that Jesus is our Good Shepherd, he searches for us when we go astray, and he calls us to use our hands to “feed his flock” with acts of service. You will not hear a better Sunday School lesson on March 23 than “The Lost Sheep!”

Lost Sheep

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