Welcome to Children’s Ministry at Main Street UMC. At Main Street, we believe our children are second to none and that they are the future of this congregation, our community, and God’s world. We offer a variety of activities for our children to experience God. Click the links below to discover more about each opportunity we offer. Please e-mail or call with any questions, we look forward to hearing from you! Grace and Peace, Victoria Smathers , Children’s Director.
Weekday Preschool Program We are very proud of our 52 year preschool tradition here at Main Street UMC. We are a half day preschool program offering love, fun, Christian values, academics, and a fantastic music program for children ages infant through pre-k. The preschool year begins in September and concludes in June. A summer program is offered in June and July. Click here to visit our website.
Main Street United Methodist Church is a Safe Sanctuary congregation. We have a policy regarding the safety of all children and youth age 18 and under. This includes expectations for parents, children and volunteers. A copy of the policy is available from the Minister of Education.
The Main Street Safe Sanctuaries Policy shall also apply to all children’s Sunday school meetings.