Main Street UMC, Kernersville, NC
Passion Song 2025

Cantata Passion Song on April 6

Cantata Sunday is April 6, One Service, at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary. The combined choirs and  orchestra directed by Nancy Blakemore with Jill Gardner, pianist and organist, present “The Passion Song” which includes the celebration of Holy Communion.

Rehearsals begin mid-February, on Mondays at 7:00 pm or Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. You may choose the night that works best for you. From the triumphal entry to Easter morning, this cantata focuses primarily on the events of Holy Week. It features the feast of communion, recognizes Jesus as
the Lamb of God, the Passover Lamb. And ultimately it affirms the risen Christ: Worthy is the Lamb who was slain (Rev 5:12)!

Please keeps us in your prayers as we prepare “The Passion Song.” Make plans now to attend at 10:30 am on Sunday, April 6, and invite your family, friends, and neighbors!

Passion Song

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