Main Street UMC is participating in packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse. Check out the display in the Narthex for more information and return your filled shoebox to the church by December 1.
Join us in spreading Gods love this upcoming holiday season by packing a shoe-box! As we get closer to December, consider how you can spread holiday joy to those who are less fortunate. One way we can spread joy is by collecting shoe-boxes that you may otherwise recycle, and filling them with things like toys, school supplies, hygiene products and teddy bears. Each shoebox provides a child any-where in the world with a gift to open this Christmas and a reminder that Gods love for them knows no bounds!
MSUMC will not provide empty shoe-boxes this year; you are invited to recycle shoeboxes from your home or to use plastic shoebox-size bins. If you would be willing to donate clean recycled shoeboxes for others at the church to fill, please bring them to Kathryn in the church office!
If you would like to have a part, contact
Samaritan’s Purse sends gift-filled Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes to children in need around the world together with the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
– > How to Pack a Shoebox < –
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