Graduate Sunday 2015 CONNECT! 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 So, as you graduate and get ready to go out into the world, all kinds of people are giving you advice: o Your parents are giving you advice o Your teachers are giving you advice o Wayne Purdy is giving you advice o When you go to baccalaureate…
“A MOVEMENT BORN IN FIRE” (Pentecost/Aldersgate Day) Acts 2:1-21 Today is a very special day. Today is May 24, which is Aldersgate Day – a very important day for us United Methodists. Today is also Pentecost, the fiftieth day after Easter, the day when God poured out the Holy Spirit on the early church. It’s…
Game Changers, Week 5 MONOPOLY Acts 1:1-11 So today we come to the end of the “Game Changers” series. Each week we’ve looked at a popular board game that represents a negative aspect of life: o SORRY – represents guilt o CRANIUM – represents doubt o CANDYLAND – represents unrealistic expectations o TROUBLE – represents…
Game Changers, Week 4 CANDYLAND Luke 24:36-48 We’re in a series called Game Changers. Each week we’re looking at a different board game that represents one of the struggles of life. And then we’re seeing how the resurrection of Jesus changes the game. The game for today is CANDYLAND. It’s a very simple game that…
Game Changers, Week 3 SORRY John 21:1-19 We’re in a series called Game Changers. Each week we’re looking at a different board game that represents one of the struggles of life. And then we’re seeing how the resurrection of Jesus changes the game. Now, a few weeks ago we talked about a game called Trouble.…
Game Changers, Week 2 CRANIUM JOHN 20:19-31 We’re in a series called Game Changers. Each week we’re looking at a popular board game that represents one of the struggles of life. And then we’re seeing how the resurrection of Jesus changes the game. The game for today is CRANIUM. Cranium is a mental game. Like…
Game Changers, Week 1 TROUBLE Luke 24:13-35 Today we’re starting a new series called “Game Changers.” We’re looking at some popular board games that represent one of the struggles of life, and we’re going to see how the resurrection of Jesus Christ changes the game. The game for today is Trouble. Have any of you…
Corinthians 15 Think back to a victory celebration that you were part of: Maybe it was when your little league team beat your cross-town rivals. Maybe it was a team you were on in school, or a team your kid was on. Maybe it was with a bunch of friends watching the…
The Way, Week 6 FROM HOSANNA TO CRUCIFY HIM Mark 11:7-10, 15:6-15 How did we get from this [palm branch] to this [cross]? On Sunday of Holy Week, Jesus came into Jerusalem riding on a donkey, and the crowds loved him! They laid their coats in the road. They waved Palm branches. They shouted, “Hosanna!”…
The Way, Week 5 RAGAMUFFINS Matthew 9:9-13 His name was Hector, and he was homeless. He was staying at the Samaritan Ministries shelter in Winston-Salem. One day he met three of our Main Street Youth. They prayed with him in front of the shelter, and then Hector said, “What church do y’all go to?” And…