Main Street UMC, Kernersville, NC
Babatunde Greensboro College

Babatunde Updates, News & Video

Babatunde 2024June 2024 – Babatunde is almost done!!  

Babatunde has just finished school for the year and is almost finished with his undergraduate degree from Greensboro College. He has summer classes to take, one more fall semester, and he will then graduate in December 2024 (walking the stage in May 2025)! Babatunde wants to take the time to thank the Church and update his support team on where he has been and what he has in store next!

Please mark your calendar to attend one of his information sessions:

Sunday, June 16 at 9:45am in the Fellowship Hall
Thursday, June 20 at 8:00am for UM Men’s Breakfast

Babaunde’s Future Looks Bright Babatunde is almost done!! Babatunde has just finished school for the year and is almost finished with his undergraduate degree from Greensboro College. He has summer classes to take, one more fall semester, and he will then graduate in December 2024 (walking the stage in May 2025)! Babatunde wants to take the time to thank the Church and update his support team on where he has been and what he has in store next!

Jan 2024

My dear UMC family,

I hope this message finds everyone well. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your unwavering support and prayers. I am happy to report that my third semester at GC has gotten off to a great start and I’m enjoying my classes. I am also taking steps to prepare for medical school applications. I’m currently making contacts, studying for the MCAT, and looking for internships in clinical or research labs. Additionally, I’m exploring job opportunities as an EMT or CNA, which will count towards my GC internship and provide me with some valuable clinical experience for medical school. To make things easier, getting my license and a car are some of my needs. This will allow me to commute more efficiently once I start any of these jobs. I’m also planning on taking some summer courses, and if everything goes according to plan, I should be able to graduate in December 2024.
Once again, thank you so much for all your help and support. Your encouragement and prayers are making my dream of becoming a doctor come true.
Babatunde Odofin.


8/6/23 Babatunde’s Grandmother’s ‘Thank you’.

6/23 ( From Babatunde ) Dear MSUMC,

Thank you to all who attended the luncheon fundraiser on behalf of my college fund.  The turnout, love, and support shown was so humbling to see.  I am very appreciative to Anthony and his family, and I hope you all enjoyed the West African cuisine.  I’m so grateful to the entire Church for all your support and contributions to my college fund raising so far this year. My first semester of college has been inspiring and rewarding because of each of you.  I will continue to take classes through the summer and have also been given the opportunity to work as a Pride Leader (orientation leader) for which I am very excited.  Thank you for being part of the team and for your generous sponsorship.  May God’s blessing continue to be upon this Church.

With Love,
Babatunde Odofin


Babatunde’s Amazon Wish List

Feb 2023 – A Message to MSUMC from Babatunde – I want to personally thank each one of you and the church as a whole for making it possible to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor at Greensboro College, which is the first step. I feel so privileged to be a recipient of Christ’s love and affection through the church in terms of your monetary and material donations towards my education. This adventure started a month ago and as it stands, it’s been an inspiration to me.  My classes have been great so far, and the adventure has been awesome! Had a couple of tests and quizzes too. With your support, this dream will soon become a reality. Thank you for being so generous and kind and I look forward to your guidance and support in my future endeavors too.

Jan 2023 – Exciting Babatunde Odofin Updates & News

At the January 2021 Church Council meeting I reported I had challenged the Outreach Team members to think outside the box of ideas for being God’s hands and feet in the world. I then challenged Church Council members to also think outside the box and share their ideas with Outreach.

Egbe NigeriaA few days later Katie Riddle contacted me with an out-of-the-box idea! She and Nick met Babatunde Odofin while serving in Egbe, Nigeria. He expressed his desire to attend college in the U S. Katie’s question to me was, “Do you think we can sponsor Babatunde and fund his trip, education, and living expenses?” I invited Katie to the next Outreach meeting where we would discuss
this idea.

Fast forward to today and we have cash on hand to fund three semesters for Babatunde at
Greensboro College plus travel and living expenses. Babatunde was denied a visa in 2021 but persisted, with Katie’s assistance, and applied again in 2022. He wasn’t denied at his initial appointment, but neither was he approved. They needed more information. After all the red tape was completed Babatunde was notified he was approved for his visa on October 12. There was a delay in
picking up his visa due to unrest in Nigeria but on November 21 he made the trip to Abuja and received his visa!

Babatunde will not have any winter clothing when he arrives. If you would like to make a donation toward a clothing fund so he can shop for clothing please mark it Babatunde Winter Clothes. Any funds left after purchasing needed winter clothing will be moved to the fund to pay for tuition, etc.
Thank you to all who have prayed for this effort and/or pledged and donated funds. We expect Babatunde to arrive in Kernersville in late December. We look forward to welcoming him to Main Street and to supporting him during his time here.

A THANK YOU WRITTEN BY BABATUNDE:I am so privileged and humbled to have your support in my transition to US college. It is with great pleasure that I sincerely want to thank you for every contribution you have made. It’s been a really long process, the school application, the visa and all but your prayers and monetary support made all things work out for the good. My hopes and my grandmother’s hopes of me coming to the US was getting lost but your financial contributions and prayers restored our hope. I am so grateful and look forward to seeing you all soon.

—Babatunde Odofin


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