Main Street UMC, Kernersville, NC
Big Hope Ministries Logo

Big Hope Ministries in the Dominican Republic

Big HopeMain St. UMC has been deeply involved in loving and serving others in many different ways for many years. Recently the Outreach Committee made the decision to be a partner in a medical outreach ministry in the Dominican Republic. The Good Samaritan Clinic was started many years ago by the Western North Carolina Conference of the UMC. During Covid it was forced to shut down. The clinic has now been re-opened one year and work teams and medical teams are going regularly to supplement the work of a local doctor and nurse that work serving some 5,000 people in a very poor and underserved area.

A medical team in January saw 720 patients at the clinic and in other villages. A team in February saw 550 patients and dispensed over 1500 prescriptions. Surgeries were also performed. Other teams will be going throughout the year and there are opportunities for people to go on these teams whether they are medical professionals or not. We are currently working on getting Babatunde, our Main St. sponsored doctor in training from Kenya, on a medical team to give him medical experience.

If you would like to find out more information about this outreach ministry, please contact Mark Key.

More Info HERE!

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