Main Street UMC, Kernersville, NC
Moving Forward Building Stewardship Campaign

Moving Forward – Building Community Stewardship Campaign

Due to your support, our Connection Campaign was a tremendous success!  The NEW Connections Building is physical evidence of the power of prayer, diligent giving, and God’s abundant blessing.  Your faithfulness to move boldly forward never wavered.  We thank you for setting an example of Christian strength and trust in our generous God.

We are asking that you take another prayerful journey with us as our next capital campaign begins.

  •  The Moving Forward / Building Community Campaign goal is to  gather 3-year pledges in the amount of $1,600,000 to retire the debt on our new building.
  • Please prayerfully consider increasing your giving for at least the next 3 years.
  • Remember that your Moving Forward Pledge can not only impact your heart, but the hearts of others both now and for generations to come.

Please prayerfully consider your financial commitment pledge for our new Moving Forward Capital Campaign and return your pledge to the communion rail, by US Mail, or by submitting this electronic form to Tina Crew in the Business Office.

Pledge to Moving Forward Capital Campaign

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